Error code SC_1 on AliExpress


AliExpress, like any other online platform, has a set of error codes to inform developers and users about a problem that has occurred. SC_1 is one of these errors that buyers are increasingly encountering when trying to pay for a new order.

We have studied this topic in detail and are ready to share with our readers the causes of the error and ways to solve this problem.

The causes of the SC_1 error

AliExpress has a security system that protects the marketplace from potential misuse by dishonest users. However, unfortunately, ordinary buyers who do not pursue the goal of deceiving the platform sometimes fall under the scope of these restrictions.

Error code SC_1 on AliExpress

«Order closed. We had to close this order due to account security concerns. Error Code: SC_1».

Here are several of the most popular reasons for the occurrence of the SC_1 error on AliExpress:

  1. Multiple registered accounts. AliExpress’s current rules strictly prohibit buyers from creating multiple accounts for the same person. Many users ignore this rule, and for example, register multiple accounts to take advantage of the bonus for new users.
  2. Several accounts for different members of the same family. It is known that there are cases when several different accounts have been created within the same family. The name, surname, phone number, and email address usually differ, but the network connection (IP address), delivery address, and sometimes even a bank card for different accounts are used.
  3. The established limit for online payments has been exceeded. We met directly with this reason during Black Friday shopping. The order was automatically canceled due to exceeding the established limit for the amount that can be spent on online purchases per month.
  4. A temporary system failure. Code SC_1 can also mean that the payment system is temporarily unavailable.

How to fix the SC_1 error

There are several ways to eliminate the error that occurs when trying to pay for an order:

  • Please try to make the payment later. Please try again to pay for the order in 1-2 hours. It will be good if you make the payment from the website (if you originally made it from the application) or in the application (if the unsuccessful attempts were on the website).
  • Please remove promo codes and coupons or any other discounts. Before making a new attempt to pay for the purchases, remove the use of the discount, even if it is added automatically. If you are unable to remove the discount (bonus for a new user and others) in the mobile application, open the website and try to do it there.
  • If you have several AliExpress accounts, please delete all but one. Please try using the account deletion feature to get rid of the unnecessary ones.
  • Please increase the online card payment limit. Increasing the online card payment limit in online banking should help to resolve the issue.
  • Please use a different bank card, internet connection network, and shipping address. This option is relevant if you are using the same payment card, Wi-Fi, and shipping address for multiple accounts within the same family.

If none of the above options has helped, then there is a very high probability that your account (or all accounts) has been permanently blocked. In this case, you will not be able to make new purchases on AliExpress.

Please contact AliExpress customer support to ask an operator about the current status of your account.

Why does the SC_1 error occur on AliExpress?

The SC_1 error occurs on AliExpress because the security system has malfunctioned. The marketplace suspects or has detected a violation of the platform rules by the buyer.

I have several accounts on AliExpress, and I cannot pay for an order from any of them. Why?

The AliExpress terms of service prohibit users to have more than one account per buyer. The security system blocks payment.

I am not violating the AliExpress terms of service, but I constantly encounter the SC_1 error. What should I do?

Try to remove coupons, promo codes, new user bonus, coin discount, and other types of discounts before making a new attempt to pay for the purchase. In most cases, this is enough to eliminate the problem.

Dmytro Demidko

Editor-in-Chief of AliShop. Active buyer on AliExpress since 2014, where he has placed over 500 orders and won over 35 disputes with sellers. Expert in profitable shopping - I know almost everything about sales, as well as discounts and promotions. I consult AliExpress users and help them solve various problems with purchases.

My main specialization is digital marketing, namely copywriting, design, SEO, analytics, website development, and SMM.

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